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Screwdriver with interchangeable bits (7pcs)
Screwdriver with interchangeable bits (7pcs)
Артикул: ST093481058 € с НДСВ наличии: 13 шт.Производитель-
Blades made from SCVM + steel provide the toughness and torque resistance that professionals need
Smooth ratcheting mechanism with three settings that works efficiently in either direction
Dual material ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip and is resistant to oil or solvents
Removable back cap stores all included bits inside the handle for convenient switching
Includes six bits: 4, 5 and 6 mm slotted, #1, #2 and #3 Philips
Dimensions 889 x 381 x 381 mm
Weight 249 g Сопутствующие товары