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Аккумуляторные инструменты
Li-ion Cordless Router 20V
Li-ion Cordless Router 20V
Артикул: CERS20LiB14472 € с НДСВ наличии: 9 шт.This item is available without battery and/or charger
Cordless brushless router WORCRAFT CER-S20LiB is a unique and versatile tool for forming profiles, grooves and longitudinal holes. It copes well with milling patterns, ornaments and inscriptions, as well as with drilling holes, cleaning and polishing parts, and many other tasks.
The brushless motor provides high productivity, and the ergonomic collapsible design makes the tool even more versatile.
- Rotation speed 8000-26000 rpm
- Cutter insertion depth up to 55 mm
- Collet chucks 6 and 8 mm
- Brushless motor
- Soft start
- LED-backlightThe support platform is equipped with an 8-step stop with a step of 3 mm for a quick change in the milling depth.
The collapsible design allows you to get the router from the stand and work in manual mode, which makes the tool truly multitasking.
The spindle lock button makes it easy to change the collet chuck.
LED-backlight allows you to work even in low light and makes it easier to control the operations performed.
The rubberized case provides reliable fixation of the tool in the hand and good handling.
A special nozzle allows you to connect a vacuum cleaner to remove dust, which greatly increases the comfort of the work process.
EQUIPMENTBattery-powered milling machine CER-S20LiB;
Drilling support stand;
Parallel emphasis with guides;
Collet chucks 6 and 8 mm;
Copy plate;
Compass nozzle;
Bracket with wheel for curvilinear processing;
Hex key;
Instruction manual. Сопутствующие товары
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