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Heat-shrink tubing set 200pcs with copper
Heat-shrink tubing set 200pcs with copper
Артикул: YT814612013 € с НДСВ наличии: 11 шт.Производитель-
A set of crimped sleeve connectors mounted on a heat shrinkable tube will find its application primarily in places where too high ambient temperature may adversely affect the connection of wires by traditional soldering (e.g. in the engine compartment)
The copper connector, when properly crimped, guarantees the highest conduction parameters, and thanks to the two-layer heat-shrinkable tube mounted on the connector, we gain a hermetic connection and there is no need to use traditional sleeves or insulating tape
For conductors with cross-section: 0.5-6 mm2, 20-10 AWG
Connector material: copper
Heat-shrinkable tube material: PE and a layer of hot-melt adhesive on the inside
Color red 90 PCS, blue 90 PCS, yellow 20 PCS
Sheath shrink temperature: 80° C Сопутствующие товары