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Fuel system, nozzle cleaning/testing set. 35pcs
Fuel system, nozzle cleaning/testing set. 35pcs
Артикул: MHRA10308022 € с НДСВ наличии: 12 шт.-
Multifunctional fuel injection cleaner tool this injector cleaner tool can clean the entire fuel system, including the throttle valve, fuel nozzle and combustion chamber
At the same time, it also has a high and low pressure cleaning function to help you better complete the fuel system cleaning job
One engine has an oil return pipe, and the other engine does not have an oil return pipe (quick-connect anti-corrosion, anti-friction joints and anti-friction pipes for all cleaning fluids
Adjustment of throttle mode of fuel injector cleaning kit the connection method is the same, just adjust the air source pressure to 1 - 5 psi.
How to identify the inlet and return hoses: 1. generally speaking, the larger the inlet pipe, the smaller the return pipe; 2. there is always a filter interface on the side of the inlet hose and a buffer interface on the return side; 3. there is an arrow on the hose indicate the fuel flow direction
Widely applicable engine cleaning tools this injector cleaning tool set is widely used in almost all types of cars and light trucks, and has a complete set of accessories, including various adapters (such as: one-way valve, dedicated to gas sealing and durable pressure regulator, anti-friction hose, etc.)
Notes for fuel system cleaning adapter kit this product does not contain cleaning fluid Сопутствующие товары